Mar 10, 2009

RECAP: Fitness Models for Vitamin Shoppe at the 2009 Arnold Classic

While you were probably out cruising your local shopping mall or catching up on your favorite show on TiVo this weekend, The Pink Light trade show models were hard at work, at the 2009 Arnold Classic in Columbus, OH. Branded the nation's largest sports & fitness expo and founded by Governor Schwarzenegger himself, the Arnold Classic hosted a variety of vendors, sport & fitness competitions, over 17,000 athletes (far more than the Olymipcs) and over 250,000 visitors (photos inside).

The Pink Light Agency fitness models were proud ambassadors for Vitamin Shoppe, a national leader in vitamins, nutrional health supplements and herbal remedies. Thanks to our very valuable client, our models and staff who worked to make it all a success. Check out a few photos from the event: